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Angebot des Monats: brushEX® watercolor spray 30% Rabatt
- nur für kurze Zeit!!!!
brushEX® erases and can
paint over again!
handlettering - watercolor painting - calligraphy
Spelling mistakes in the lettering, the writing in the BuJo blurred? Watercolor too two-dimensional or too boring? No problem anymore!
brushEX® erases letters and surfaces that have been painted, for example, with Tombow ABT, Ecoline, Karin, Online CalliBrush or other water-based brush pens and watercolor. After a few magical seconds the color disappears (brushEX® erasing brush) or brightens (brushEX® watercolor). brushEX® effect conjures up light effects in the still damp watercolor paint ... and THAT is the blast: After drying, the area can be overwritten and painted over again.
brushEX now also on Facebook: brushEX with examples, videos and blogger tests!
ZOOM workshops and free trial courses with brushEX® and »Lieber Rosa« here

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